How to Run the Verification Examples using the HyTech System

Run the command

hytech <filename>.hy

from the directory where the file <filename>.hy is stored.

More details on the HyTech system can be found on the HyTech page.

%-------------- Example ---------------------

[maurizio@proietti ~]$ cd HyTech/examples/

[maurizio@proietti examples]$ hytech Bakery2_HyTech.hy

Command: /usr/local/bin/hytech Bakery2_HyTech.hy


HyTech: symbolic model checker for embedded systems

Version 1.04f (last modified 1/24/02) from v1.04a of 12/6/96

For more info:


Warning: Input has changed from version 1.00(a). Use -i for more info


Checking automaton p2

Checking automaton p1

Composing automata *

......Number of iterations required for reachability: 6

mutual exclusion holds!

Location: s_use.s_use

a >= 0 & b >= 0

Location: s_use.s_wait

b < a & b >= 0


a = 0 & b >= 0


b = 0 & a >= 0

Location: s_use.s_think

a = 0 & b >= 0

Location: s_wait.s_use

a < b & a >= 0


b = 0 & a >= 0


a = 0 & b >= 0

Location: s_wait.s_wait

a = 0 & 0 < b


b = 0 & 0 < a


a = 0 & b = 0


a = 0 & b >= 0


b = 0 & a >= 0

Location: s_wait.s_think

a = 0 & b >= 0

Location: s_think.s_use

b = 0 & a >= 0

Location: s_think.s_wait

b = 0 & 0 < a


a = 0 & b = 0


b = 0 & a >= 0


Max memory used = 0 pages = 0 bytes = 0.00 MB

Time spent = 0.02u + 0.00s = 0.02 sec total
