Coordinator: Sara MattiaDescriptionThe OPTIMA research group investigates theoretical and real life optimization problems with mathematical methodologies, from the study of models and structural properties of the problems to the design and development of solution algorithmsResearch Activities1. Graph Theory and Combinatorial OptimizationMethods of graph theory, polyhedral combinatorics and integerprogramming to characterize optimal solutions and efficient algorithmsfor discrete optimization problems such as routing problems in networks,packing/covering problems and coloring problems in graphs.2. Mixed-integer linear and nonlinear programmingExact solution methods are developed for NP-hard problems based onPolyhedral Theory, Dynamic Programming, Semidefinite Programming,Decomposition Methods, Robust Optimization and Bilevel Optimization.3. Machine Learning and Artificial IntelligenceDevelopment of advanced optimization techniques for the enhancement ofmachine learning and Artificial intelligence methods with explainableand reliable behavior.4. Operations Research and Management ScienceDevelopment of efficient and innovative approaches to differentreal-life problems, including those arising in green and circulareconomy, urban planning, transportation and logistics, energy systems,telecommunications and health care. Group members Group projects