Seminars in Social Networks and Markets -- Academic Year 2015/16

(Click here to go to the page for year 2014/15.)

The social network of A Game of Thrones. Read how it was built

We are surrounded by networks. The Internet, one of the most advanced artifacts ever created by mankind, is the paradigmatic example of a "network of networks" with unprecedented technological, economical and social ramifications. Online social networks have become a major driving phenomenon on the web since the Internet has expanded as to include users and their social systems in its description and operation. Technological networks such as the cellular phone network or the energy grid support many aspects of our daily life. Moreover, there is a growing number of highly-popular user-centric applications in Internet that rely on social networks for mining and filtering information, for providing recommendations, as well as for ranking of documents and services. In this course we will present the design principles and the main structural properties and theoretical models of on-line social networks and technological networks, algorithms for data mining in social networks, and a few network economic issues, with an eye towards the current research issues in the area.


Updated Exam Rules

Each student has to attend 75% of the lectures or, alternatively, undergo an oral exam on the content of the course (as defined in the Syllabus and the Class Diary). Attendance in class is highly recommended.

Each student is required to complete any homework that will be assigned in class; any such assignment will also appear on this website.

Finally, each student will be assigned a project (either a software project or a literature survey) and will have to present and discuss the project at the exam. See the bottom of this webpage for more details on the project.


Dr. Vincenzo Bonifaci, IASI-CNR
Contact address: (surname)

Dr. Francesco Pasquale, Sapienza University of Rome
Contact address: (surname)

When and Where

When: Tuesday 12.00-13.30 and Thursday 12.00-13.30
Where: Via Ariosto 25, Rooms A3 (Tuesday) and A2 (Thursday)

Office Hours

Thursdays, 15.00-16.00 (Via Ariosto 25, Room B118)
All meetings have to be confirmed by email


Most material will be from either of the books

The books will be complemented by lecture notes for some of the lectures.


  1. Network structure: graph theory and social networks; measures of centrality; homophily and assortative mixing; power laws and scale-free networks; communities and modularity.
  2. Network dynamics: information cascades and cascading in networks; epidemics and influence processes; network search and message passing; random walks on networks.
  3. Strategic interaction in networks and online markets: network traffic and equilibria; algorithmic mechanism design and computerized auctions; market equilibria; matching markets; online labor marketplaces; voting mechanisms.

Class Diary (see here for last year's diary)

The notation [Nxx] refers to Chapter xx in the textbook by Newman. Similarly, [EKxx] refers to a Chapter in the textbook by Easley and Kleinberg.

DateTopicsRequired readingFurther reading


Information cascades: A simple cascade model and its analysis


Bikhchandani et al. 1992


Network effects: Stable and unstable equilibria and dynamic view


W. Brian Arthur 1994


Examples of networks and their properties

Graph theory review I


[notes 1-3] [EK2]




Graph theory review II

Triadic closure, strong and weak ties

[notes 4]



Granovetter 1973


The Rich-Get-Richer phenomenon: Preferential attachment model and analysis of its mean-field approximation


Broder et al. 2000

Barabasi and Albert 1999

Bollobas et al. 2001


Local bridges and weak ties

Introduction to centrality measures: betweenness


[EK3.6B] [notes 6]


[N7.7] Riondato and Kornaropoulos 2014


Game theory: Rationality and common knowledge. Strategic games, dominant strategies, Nash equilibria.


Nash 1951

Aumann 1976


Centrality measures: eigenvector centrality

[notes 5] [notes 2]

[N6.2] [N7.2]


Game theory: Game theory beyond rationality: Evolutionary dynamics

Evolutionary Stable Strategies vs Nash equilibria


Maynard Smith 1974


Centrality measures: analysis of the power method

[notes 2]

[N6.2] [N7.2]


Centrality measures: Katz centrality, Pagerank, closeness

[notes 3-5]

[N6.14] [N7.3-7.6] [EK14.3, 14.B-C]
Brin and Page 1998


Cascading in networks: Simple networked coordination game

Cascades and clusters

Cascade capacity of an infinite network


Morris 2000


Graph partitioning: local search, spectral method

[notes 1.1-1.2]



The Small-World phenomenon: The Watts-Strogatz model

Decentralized search and analysis of the one-dimensional Kleinberg model


Kleinberg 2000


Epidemics: SIR, SIS, SIRS, and analysis of a simple branching process.

"Mitochondrial Eve" and coalescence.


Nowzari et al 2016

Cann et al 1987


Graph partitioning: analysis of the spectral method

Partitioning without given sizes

[notes 1.2-1.3]

Chung 2007


Voting systems: Majority rule and Borda count, pathologies.

Arrow's impossibility theorem

[EK23.1-23.5, EK23.11]

Arrow 1950

Tabarrok and Spector 1999

Geanakoplos 2005


Assortativity and modularity

Divisive and agglomerative clustering methods

[notes 2]

Newman and Girvan 2004

Newman 2004


Lecture by prof. Leonardi



Traffic equilibria: existence proof via Lagrange multipliers

[notes 1-2]

Kelly 2008 sections 1-3



Lecture by prof. Leonardi



Lecture by prof. Leonardi



Congestion control: TCP as utility maximization

[notes 1-2]

Kelly 2008 sections 4-6



The instructions to prepare your project are here.